My Business Journey

Has your life taken some unexpected turns here and there like I've experienced? My high school self had the goal of going to college to become a meteorologist (weather is fascinating), while also training and competing for track and field at a Division I school. Two years into college, it became clear that pursuing a career in meteorology was not meant for me. Calculus ultimately led to the demise of my meteorology career, but I believe it all happened the way it was meant to. (Who knew there was so much math that went into the weather?!) My time attending an out-of-state university was not wasted. I left for college knowing practically no one that was going to the same school, but that put me into a position of self-realization and awakening my path that was, in retrospect, clearly meant to be different than the traditional path that I was taught growing up in school. I have to give credit for planting the seed for my career to an amazing massage therapist who at the time was working at the university recreation center. Thanks, Jeff!

I began to listen and realized the entrepreneur blood in me that came from my father was screaming to come out. I had lost my dad to a farming accident when I was 8-years-old, so my memories of riding in his Jeep listening to the classic rock station to his business meetings, job sites, and to his office forty minutes from the house I grew up in are priceless and his work ethic is engrained in my DNA. My father never attended college a day in his life, but he set a great example that a life of success did not have to be determined by a degree, but it could be accomplished through hard work, integrity, and compassion. 

My professional career began in 2011 when I received my certificate for 750-hours of massage therapy training. All throughout massage therapy school, I remember thinking about how I ultimately did not want to work as an employee for someone else. I wanted the freedom of creating my own schedule and my own business decisions, with the opportunity to support others' businesses through partnerships. So that's what I did.

After a couple of months of working under a chiropractor to get my feet wet right out of massage therapy schoolI decided that it was time to take the leap and do my own thing. I began by renting my own space out of a pilates studio and quickly built up a clientele over those couple of years. During this time, I was introduced to network marketing and quickly fell in love with the business opportunity -- I had experience with two different network marketing companies by this point, but I found alignment with one that used nature as a tool to support our wellness. I was introduced to these tools, "essential oils", by way of the Raindrop Technique®. Though we did briefly discuss aromatherapy in massage therapy school, it wasn't until I started learning about essential oils after experiencing a Raindrop that I learned how powerful of tools essential oils can be. I began to get serious about networking with other businesses and later joined a wellness team as a part of a yoga studio offering massage and wellness education.

As I was building my presence on the web through my website and social media, sharing about my experiences with Raindrop and offering it for others to experience, the invitation to work with a professional sports team presented itself. It was a wonderful experience witnessing the effects of essential oils and bodywork on football players starting in 2015 through to the championship. 

Revolutionary Wellness was the name I had received for my business one night during meditation in 2015. I wanted to encompass the different tools and modalities that I was learning about and wanted to highlight other wellness practitioners, creating a community that supports its members worldwide. The quest for building a private virtual community platform began.

Around this time, I had purchased a hanging wind gong and a weighted tuning fork, out of curiosity and interest. In 2017, I attended my very first sound bath as a way to help myself heal through a big transition in my life. In 2020, I began a journey deeper into sound when I purchased my first metal singing bowl and fell in love. A few weeks later, I added a quartz crystal bowl - I played it once, and immediately knew I had to have them all. A friend at the time led me down a journey of exploration, helping me to see the depth of the impact the sounds of these bowls had on the spirit, mind, and body. Witnessing a shift as he was gently playing the bowls, it was as if he transitioned into a place of self-healing showing me, “this is the way.” That time in my life inspired the awareness of the ability to help others through sound. 

Revolutionary Wellness supports happy and healthy communities around the world, connecting individuals wherever they are on their wellness journey through community and education.


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